4 pages in 1 item. 331mm x 252mm. Howard University Reporter. Volume I. Washington, D. C., February, 1884. Number I.
11 pages in 1 item. Société anonyme des mines & fonderies de zinc de la Vieille-Montagne. Emploi du zinc laminé pour empêcher l'oxydation et l'incrustation des chaudières à vapeur.
16 pages in 1 item. 155mm x 240mm. 3 copies. Einladungsschrift zu der am 31. März und 1. April 1882 staatfindenden Ausstellung der Schülerarbeiten
1 folded sheet. 225mm x 280mm. Rauchverzehrende Feuerungsanlagen für Dampfkessel, Braupfannen, Malzdarren und Heizanlagen jeder Art
42 pages in 1 item. 210mm x 270mm. Vierter Bericht über die Königliche Gewerbe- und Baugewerkschule zu Breslau
19 pages in 1 item. 155mm x 240mm. Einladungsschrift zur der am 9., 10. und 11. April 1876 stattfindenden Austtelung der Schülerarbeiten
31 pages in 1 item. 195mm x 140mm. Special-Regulative der Königlich Sächsischen Bergakademie zu Freiberg
8 pages in 1 item. 210mm x 330mm. Bericht über der Schneiderfachschule des Vereins selbständigen Schneider
29 pages in 1 item. 255mm x 210mm. Année scolaire 1878-79. École professionnelle de Mulhouse. Programme, soit rapport annuel sur l'établissement. Le directeur saisit cette occasion d'inviter les parents et les personnes ui s'intéressant aux écoles à assister aux examens publics et à la clôture de l'année scolaire qui auront lieu jeudi 14 août 1879. Le Directeur, Dr Cherbuliez.
1 sheet folded into 4 pages. 220mm x 280mm. 3 copies. Prospect der Königlichen Baugewerkenschule in Dresden
32 pages in 1 item. 219mm x 146mm. Il Gabinetto di Mineralogia e Geologia della R. Università di Padova. Cenni del Prof. Giovanni Omboni.
8 pages in 1 item. 172mm x 118mm. 2 copies. Dünger-Preisliste der Fabrik für chemische producte in Oerlikon von J. Finsler im Meiershof in Zürich.
8 pages in 1 item. 172mm x 118mm. 3 copies. Exposition agricole suisse, Lucerne 1881. Fabrique de produits chimiques à Oerlikon de J. Finsler im Meiershof à Zurich.
1 sheet folded into 4 pages. 210mm x 320mm. 3 copies. Fortbildungsunterricht an der Städtischen Gewerbeschule. Programm für 1881-82
1 sheet, 2 pages in 1 item. 220mm x 295mm. 2 copies. Prospect der Königlichen Werkmeisterschule zu Chemnitz
59 pages in 1 item. 150mm x 225mm. Jahresbericht der Königlich Sächsischen Kunstgewerbeschule und Kunstgewerbemuseum zu Dresden
28 pages in 1 item. 267mm x 203mm. 4 copies. Programm des Zürcherischen Technikums in Winterthur. Achter Jahresbericht pro 1881/82.
Correspondence written at the London & North Western Railway (Northern division) Engine works at Crewe, from J. Trevithick to S. B. Worthington informing him he is sending him a list of the ‘Engines concocted ed’. The letter is attached to a note probably written by Trevithick (the handwriting is similar to that style used in the letter to Worthington), describing how S. B. Worthington and J. Trevithick fitted six of the fifteen engines to be used for the Lancaster & Carlisle Railway Correspondence written at the London & North Western Railway (Northern division) Engine works at Crewe, from J. Trevithick to S. B. Worthington informing him he is sending him a list of the ‘Engines concocted ed’. The letter is attached to a note probably written by Trevithick (the handwriting is similar to that style used in the letter to Worthington), describing how S. B. Worthington and J. Trevithick fitted six of the fifteen engines to be used for the Lancaster & Carlisle Railway
‘London & North Western Railway Lancaster and Carlisle Passenger Trains, August 1856’: graph showing chronological movement of trains between Preston and Carlisle and vice versa over 10 day period from Sunday to Tuesday. ‘London & North Western Railway Lancaster and Carlisle Passenger Trains, August 1856’: graph showing chronological movement of trains between Preston and Carlisle and vice versa over 10 day period from Sunday to Tuesday.
S. B. Worthington, Lancaster and Carlisle Railway: Rules and Regulations (Lancaster, 1855) S. B. Worthington, Lancaster and Carlisle Railway: Rules and Regulations (Lancaster, 1855)
London & North Western Railway, plan of footbridge over railway at Shap Summit London & North Western Railway, plan of footbridge over railway at Shap Summit
Details of the internal arrangement of the Engineering Department, London & North Western Railway following re-division of the ‘Permanent Way Districts’ Details of the internal arrangement of the Engineering Department, London & North Western Railway following re-division of the ‘Permanent Way Districts’
Bundle of letters and papers re construction of engines from LNWR and non-renewal of contract Bundle of letters and papers re construction of engines from LNWR and non-renewal of contract